This pack contains electrical support parts for generating and storing electricity in the form of Electric Charge: nuclear reactors, additional batteries and capacitors.
Fission Reactors are power generators that run on the EnrichedUranium resource. They are quite heavy and awkward to incorporate into a ship, but rewarding in terms of amount of power generated per mass. There are a few things to make them a little harder to use:
Capacitors are new parts which store electric charge very efficiently as StoredCharge (they have 8x the electric charge per unit mass). They charge up very slowly from your main Ec reserve but can be triggered to discharge all of their energy into your Ec reserve very rapidly. This lets you run higher power engines for longer time periods. Use the right click menu in the VAB/SPH to vary a capacitor's discharge rate down to 50% of its rated maximum. Capacitors can be better managed through the Capacitor window; this will summarize all installed parts and allow easy discharge.
There are also larger versions of the stock inline battery packs (in radial, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5m and 3.75m sizes) for storing large amounts of Electric Charge.
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