WYG! - Watch Your G-forces!

Adds more punishing G-forces limits for crewed parts for a more challenging gameplay

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 701

Author: Kurgut

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 4

The default value set by KSP when part G-forces limits are enabled is 50G. This mod changes all the parts that can hold Kerbals to have their maximum G-forces set to 8G (12G for RSS). If it goes above that, the spacecraft will disassemble itself in an explosive and deadly fashion. (Space)planes comand modules parts maximum G-force limit was set at 25G. This is to encourage players to be more careful when flying manned spacecrafts, especially during atmospheric entries. The value of 12G is an approximation I took from the Apollo spacecraft. !! You need enable parts G-forces limits in the difficulty settings for this to work. Probes were untouched since in real life, there's many different types of probes/missions design with big difference in G-forces resistances, so there's no point changing that, so the player can do whatever he wants with probe cores.

NOTE : The current way the patching is done for (space)planes parts is via tag search (aero), meaning that if a mod author didn't insert this tag in his part's .cfg, this mod won't apply to it. Please notify me on the KSP forum or github if you encounter any of those.

Thanks to discord user Voicey99 for the help with the G-force MM syntax.

** - Showcase video :** https://youtu.be/kAE_pGMDJf4?si=P0wsJUaOkjtWRBab

- Dependencies : Module Manager by Sarbian

- Installation : Merge the zip's GameData folder with your KSP/GameData folder.

  • Recommended mod to spice things even more : Deadly Reentry

- License : MIT

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