Burn Controller CKAN

Lets you set up engine burns.

License: MIT

Game Version:

Downloads: 13,862

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 10

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program 2. Proceed with caution.

Burn Controller is a mod for Kerbal Space Program 2 that lets you set up engine burns, with the ability to set an amount of time to wait before starting a burn, the percentage of thrust, and the duration of the burn.


  1. Download and extract SpaceWarp + BepInEx into the root directory of your copy of KSP 2.

  2. Drag the contents of Burn Controller's zip file into the root directory of your KSP 2 installation.


For a demonstration of how to use Burn Controller, you can watch a short video here.

As of the 0.8.0 update, engine burns can also be set up for maneuver nodes. You can view a short video showing how to do this here.


SpaceWarp 1.0.1 or greater and BepInEx.


You can view the current list of planned features here. These include...


Burn Controller is distributed under the MIT license.

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  1. spacedock.info
  2. github.com
  3. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  4. www.google.com
  5. sd-prod-live.52k.de
  6. sd1b.52k.de
  7. www.youtube.com
  8. sd-prod-stage.52k.de
  9. sd1a.52k.de
  10. archive.org

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