If you've played KSP 0.24 for a while then jumped to KSP 1.10, like I did, you're likely left wondering a great many things.
What's this part? I like this new part selection UI! Ooh! A Delta-V counter so you don't have to guess your way to the Mun? Excellent!
Finally, Where the hell is my Intake Air Meter!?
This extremely lightweight mod* uses ModuleManager to fix this krime against Kerbalkind and restore your Fuel/Resource Tab to its former glory.
*I'm not kidding about it being lightweight! There's only 48 characters, two spaces, and a tab spacing in the .cfg file.
Image used in thumbnail originally from Mars-Bound_Hokie on KerbalX.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.