Tired of constantly updating your Add'Ons each time a new KSP release fsck up something?
Restless while waiting your favorite Add'On to be updated so you can play without invoking devils on dark and incompreensible rituals?
So this Add'On is for you.
By installing this thingy, some of unsolved bugs and mishaops from KSP will be fixed or at least worked around, saving Add'On Authors from the hassle to handle them themselves.
It aims to need minimal coupling with existent code, as well to be selectively injected on the broken parts in order to prevent unholly intercations with third-party modules that decide to fix things their own way.
For a full description of the Work Arounds, please visit KSP-Recall homepage
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.