This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.
On Kerbol:
On Outer Planets Mod:
On Real Solar System (dish range from Realism Overhaul):
PassiveAntenna Node is unlocked in Survivability.
All RemoteTech parts can't be accessed on the editor. If you don't use them on your savegame, you can delete the parts folder from RemoteTech.
You can delete this folder: Kerbal Space Program/GameData/RemoteTech/Parts
If you don't want to delete these folders, you can Prune them with AutoPruner. put StockRT.pnrl into the folder where AutoPruner is. and in command line: pruner -prune StockRT.prnl
Unzip all files. Put the StockRT folder in your KSP/GameData folder.
Unzip all files. Merge the new StockRT folder with the old folder which is in your KSP/GameData folder
You need to delete the StockRT folder in your KSP/GameData folder.
If you use Kerbol in 6.4x you need to delete the file which tweak RemoteTech, you can find it on "GameData/64k/Compatability/RemoteTech_64k.cfg" or "GameData/FalconTech/6-4-Kerbol/RT2_RSS_6_4.cfg". The AutoPruner script will Prune them.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.